Friday – Cheltenham 15:30
We go back to Cheltenham with her for another showdown with Valgrand, who obviously won very nicely for Dan Skelton last time out. I don’t think the race worked out well for us last time. Gale Mahler didn’t give her true running as was in season and we know she is better than that performance, even though the winner won very nicely and looked really impressive.
She’s stepping up to 2 mile 5 here and the plan is to ride her a bit more forward. She stays all day so doesn’t need to be coming off a slow pace where the finish is just a sprint. I’ve schooled her and worked her this week and she went very well, and looks great in her coat. I was very happy with her and I think we’ll see a different beast up the Cheltenham hill today. I’m really looking forward to riding her.